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Introduction to LEO CDP Framework

LEO CDP Framework - How it works

Technology Architecture of LEO CDP Framework

Data-driven organizations have invested in multiple marketing and data warehouse systems over the years, and most of these are often in silos. These systems may provide a capability for centralized data integration and customer-level data for various marketing use-cases. However, the customer data unification at an individual-level remains a challenge. 

Most of CIOs, Business Data Analysts, Marketers continue to spend significant time and resources in data integration, preparation, and unification project. Additionally, ever-growing complexities, volume, and speed of customer data across consumer interaction channels are further adding to the challenges. Customer Data Platform (CDP) guarantees to handle such difficulties.

LEO CDP is designed to solve these challenges by providing an advanced data fabric platform for centralized data integration, profile unification from disparate data sources, audience segmentation, and activation in appropriate channels. In addition to that, LEO CDP works as a foundation that ties the data from multiple systems in real-time for effective segmentation and targeting for various marketing campaigns.

LEO CDP centralizes data collection from multiple sources, performs data cleansing, and unifies customer profile to create a unified, persistent customer profile database. The database is accessible to other systems for marketing, customer service, and customer experience management.”

LEO CDP is the Customer Data Platform, is developed by USPA Technology Company.
There are 5 main functions of Leo CDP
  1. Provide a customer analytics platform for data-driven organizations
  2. Data Unification: Consistent & Unified 360 degree Customer View
  3. Provide a simple tool for marketers to do customer segmentation 
  4. Leveraging AI, Machine Learning and Big Data for Smart Personalization
  5. Provide  predictive marketing automation technology to activate your business faster

Demo Account for LEO CDP:

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